Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys
This is the most common survey that is required by planners when considering a planning application. It examines the habitats on-site, indicating the likely presence of protected species & sites and species of conservation concern that may be affected by any development of the site. This also acts as a base report for the ecological part of BREEAM assessments.
The Phase I Habitat Survey is a standard technique for rapidly obtaining baseline ecological information over a large area of land. The Extended Phase I Survey examines the species likely to be present in these habitats, taking into account field signs and ecological expertise regarding which species use particular habitats.
In addition to the field survey a desk study is usually carried out. This typically involves requesting a data search from the local Biological Records Centre and utilising various web-based sources, to determine the species, habitats and protected sites present in the local area. If further specialist surveys are required, then these will be detailed in the comprehensive report.
View some examples of our Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey projects >
If you have any questions or would like more information on the above, please call Principal Ecologist Mark Satinet on 01993 864 958 or email info@4acreecology.co.uk.