About 4 Acre Ecology
Mark Satinet, the Principle Ecologist at 4 Acre Ecology, has worked in the conservation and ecology field since 1992. In this time he has gained a wealth of experience in conservation management, writing Biodiversity Action Plans, landowner liaison, public relations and the media, training & managing volunteers & professionals and project management during his 13 years at the Wildlife Trusts. He has been a consultant ecologist since 2005, having attained protected species survey licences for Shrew, Dormice, Great Crested Newts, Bats and Barn Owls in both England and Wales. He has also held a number of development licences for Great Crested Newts, Bats and Dormice and has written a number for Badgers.
Mark has sat on national forums for both Otters and Water Voles, undertaken the pioneering three year study into the effectiveness of Mink control for Water Vole conservation, been a surveyor in both the 2000/2 and 2009/10 National Otter Surveys of England, been a Principle Investigator for Earthwatch from 2000 to 2005 and was the Wildlife Trusts National Co-ordinator for Water Voles. He has been the County Mammal Recorder for Wiltshire since 2000 and was a founding member of, and still co-ordinates, the Wiltshire Mammal Group.
As a consultant ecologist, Mark has extended his expertise from purely mammals and has now co-ordinated and undertaken large scale surveys for Great Crested Newts and reptiles for a number of years, as well as holding a licence to survey for Barn Owls. He has continued to expand his mammal expertise through numerous projects related to Bats, Badgers, Otters, Water Voles and Dormice, as well as undertaking county mammal surveys and training volunteers in their survey techniques.
In addition, 4 Acre Ecology draws on a number of experts ranging from White Clawed Crayfish Licensees to botanists and ornithologists to cover the full range of ecological services and to provide resources for any scale of project required.
Project work ranges from Environmental Impact Assessments, Environmental Statements, master planning and Protected Species Licencing to the production of Biodiversity Action Plans, individual Protected Species surveys, translocations and mitigation design. Sectors worked with include housing and commercial development, quarrying, highways, rail, NGOs, charities and the public sector.
4 Acre Ecology operates throughout England and Wales, but with a core area of Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Buckinghamshire, Warwickshire, Berkshire, Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire and London.
If you have any questions or would like more information on the above, please call Mark on 01993 864 958 or email info@4acreecology.co.uk.