Consultant ecologists providing wildlife surveys, phase 1 habitat surveys & other ecological studies across Southern England & Wales

Recent Projects - Badger Surveys

For details of some of our recent work, please select from the list of project types below.

Brierly Hill, West Midlands

Extended Phase I Survey, Badger Survey, Reptile Survey and Bat Activity Survey: This site is a former factory next to a Site of Nature Conservation Interest that is proposed to be developed for housing. Badgers were identified on the site with a large main sett and annex setts identified and mapped out. An Extended Phase I Survey identified the need for a reptile and bat activity survey of the site to gauge likely use. These confirmed limited use by bats and no reptiles present, while a full mitigation plan was developed for Badgers and agreed with the Local Planning Authority and Natural England to allow the development to proceed and the Badgers to continue using the site.

Extended Phase I, Badger, Bat and Reptile Survey site in Brierly Hill, West Midlands

If you have any questions or would like more information on the above, please call Principal Ecologist Mark Satinet on 01993 864 958 or email