Consultant ecologists providing wildlife surveys, phase 1 habitat surveys & other ecological studies across Southern England & Wales

Recent Projects - Dormouse Surveys

For details of some of our recent work, please select from the list of project types below.

Turnford, Hertfordshire

Dormouse Survey and Breeding Bird Survey: The site is proposed for a mixed use development across pasture fields and small areas of woodland that lie adjacent to two blocks of semi-natural ancient woodland. The site hedges, connecting to the woodland, and some of the adjacent woodland had Dormouse boxes and nest tubes set out to determine the presence of this European Protected Species. Breeding bird surveys were also undertaken in April, May and June to inform the mitigation design for the development.

Dormouse Survey and Breeding Bird Survey site in Turnford, Hertfordshire

If you have any questions or would like more information on the above, please call Principal Ecologist Mark Satinet on 01993 864 958 or email